

The SMS routing process begins with the evaluation of a set of rules to determine the appropriate route for an SMS message. Initially, the system checks for a rule specific to the network brand. If no such rule is found, it then assesses based on the country. If neither of these criteria yields a rule, the system automatically determines the best route. This automatic determination can either find a suitable route or result in the SMS being dropped if no suitable route is identified. When a rule is found, whether through the network brand, country, or automatic determination, the SMS is then forwarded to the designated SMS supplier.

graph TB
  SMS["SMS Message"] --> RP["Routing plan"]
  RP --> SRR["Routing plan rule"]
  SRR -->|Not Found| RSA["Route - select - auto conversion based routing"]
  RSA -->|Not Found| DR["Drop SMS"]
  SRR -->|Found| RD["Routing decisions"]
  RSA -->|Found| RD
  RD --> DR
  RD -->|Send SMS| SUBMITSMS["Routing account"]
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Routing Plan

Routing plans allow SMS's to be routed dynamically based on a set of rules.

Each SMS is processed through a "Routing Plan", determined by a set of predefined "Routing Rules". In instances where a message does not match with a specific rule, our system intelligently defaults to a route, leveraging historical data and other established parameters.

Routing plan with routes Each plan contains custom routes and connected routing plans belonging to sellers. Each seller routing plan can have it's own logic implemented for routing and similar.

Routing Rules

Through the process outlined below, each SMS can have 4 final decisions.

  • Send to a specific route
  • Split test multiple routes
  • Ignore a route (and restart selection)
  • Drop SMS (do not send the SMS, balance is not affected)
graph TB
  SMS["SMS Message"] --> RP["Routing Plan"]
  RP --> SRR["Select Route By Rule"]
  SRR --> SR["Send to Specific Route"]
  SRR --> ST["Split Test Routes"]
  SRR --> IR["Ignore Route"]
  IR --> SRR
  SRR --> DR["Drop SMS"]
  SR --> SS["SMS route"]
  ST --> SS
  DR --> |"Dropped"| End["End"]
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